Thursday, November 15, 2012

Weeping Willow

For the next assignment, which is to come up with an original story and create a movie poster out of it, I have decided to do a children's story. The title of my movie will be called "Weeping Willow." It will be a story about two children, maybe brother and sister or complete strangers, boy and girl, who join together on a magical and adventurous journey to find out why the willow weeps. I'm not sure about the details quite yet but the the children find out about the legend of the tree during an unforeseen circumstance which causes the to meet ( if I go with the strangers idea) to which they decide that it is up to them to find out more about this magical and mysterious tree, while discovering new worlds and meeting new and strange creatures along the way. My initial thought after I came up with my story was the movie "Bridge to Terabithia" so I looked up the poster and it is sort of what I have in mind.

I love the complimentary color theme in this "Pocahontas" poster. For my poster I'm thinking analogous blues or monochrome blue. 

Keeping with the Disney theme I found this old "Tarzan" poster. I noticed with many of the Disney movie posters everything was placed centered. I really like the orientation of this poster and how the main character is tiny compared to the massive forest that surrounds him. I was thinking to have my two main character small but underneath a massive willow tree.

Another beautifully done poster for "The Princess and the Frog" Look she's actually underneath a willow tree!

Last but not least, one of my FAVORITE movies of all time! A live-action movie "The Wizard of Oz". I chose a lot of animated movies and I want to go back to a time where special effects weren't as outstanding as they are today. This poster was done in a really interesting way. They managed to fit all of the major elements of the film on the poster and still capture a good since of dynamism. The ruby red slippers,  the yellow brick road, Dorothy (well...her legs) and the emerald city of in the distance

I am still working on my sketches for my idea and plan to post some this weekend. 

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