Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Legent of the Weeping Willow (Final)

Movie Poster Process

I started with a light sketch in Photoshop that showed my potential composition.

After I rendered my tree and balloon I moved things around for a better composition. I took snapshots of the  trees rendering process but unfortunately I did not know that those snapshot wouldn't save with the original document :( I lost them ALL!

Lastly I added my credits along with the title of the movie and its tagline. A tale of two, at last they meet, to find out why the willow weeps ~

Here is a closer look at the text that I used for the title in the photo below. It is here in the above photo where I felt I was done. But believe it or not things got even more fantastic. I was unable to Upload the final poster as my flash card was full, so I made a drastic decision to leave in on the school computers scratch drive in hopes to come back with an empty drive. I had to class today and as soon as I get there I will post my final. I just wanted to get this up before that.